Pennington Gap, VA : (276) 679-4114
Norton, VA : (276) 679-4114

Our Professionals

Tiffany Hammonds, Audiologist

Hammonds, Doctor of Audiology, is a graduate of East Tennessee State University. She has extensive experience in hearing aids and diagnostic testing. She is certified with the state of Virginia in hearing aids, audiology, and education of the hearing impaired. She is fluent in American Sign Language. Dr. Hammonds has always worked in the world of hearing loss as an interpreter, then a deaf educator, so becoming an audiologist was a natural choice. The most rewarding part of her work is helping people hear again. Tiffany is a native of southwest Virginia attending school in Appalachia and graduating from Lee High in Jonesville, Virginia, the University of Tennessee with a BS/MS in Education and Doctor of Audiology from East Tennessee State University. She is married to Mickey Hammonds of Jonesville, VA where they live with two children and she is actively involved with her church, Christian Life Fellowship, Jonesville, VA


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